Pregnancy Timeline (inc Scans & Bloods)
6 weeks +
Initial consultation to discuss your pregnancy and concerns and confirm viability
11-14 weeks
Nuchal Translucency scan (if requested/advised by Mr Downes) – an ultrasound scan which measures a small fluid collection within the skin at the back of the baby’s neck. The nuchal test, in combination with a specific blood test, is more accurate for testing for Down’s Syndrome than relying on the woman’s age although it does not tell you definitely if the baby does or does not have Down’s Syndrome.
20-24 weeks
Foetal Anomaly scan – a detailed scan during which each part of the foetal body is examined with attention paid to the brain, face, spine, heart, stomach, bowel, kidneys and limbs.
26 weeks
Routine antenatal visit
28 weeks
Routine antenatal visit, blood test for haemoglobin level and glucose
30 weeks
Growth Scan and routine antenatal visit.
32 weeks
Routine antenatal visit
34 weeks
Routine antenatal visit, blood test for rhesus antibodies if rhesus negative
36 weeks
Routine antenatal visit
37 weeks
Routine antenatal visit
38 weeks
Growth scan and antenatal visit, preparing for labour
39 weeks
Routine antenatal visit and induction of labour if indicated. Caesarean section if booked.
40 weeks +
Routine antenatal visits – Awaiting labour!